Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Reel Opinion: The Top 10 Best Films of Nicolas Cage

Famed actor Nicolas Cage is once again the talk of Hollywood. His new film, LONGLEGS (read Reel Speak’s review HERE), has won the trifecta: winning with critics, audiences, and the box office. The creepy horror film is another non-traditional entry into the filmography of a non-traditional actor. How does it land in the catalog of Cage? Let’s stretch our legs and see…


Born Nicolas Kim Coppola (nephew of Francis Ford), Cage launched his career in 1982 in the teen comedy FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH. Since then, he has earned acclaim starring in dramas, comedies, horror flicks, and action movies. He had a long spell of craptacular work where tax issues forced him to take less-than favorable jobs in low-budget films. But he has come out of the other side of those dark times, and today enjoys a comeback. He has worked with big-name directors such as the Coen Brothers, Martin Scorsese, Michael Bay, and his uncle Francis. He has played vampires, angels, drunks, treasure hunters, and even a ghost on a motorcycle. He's won awards, burned bridges, and is the face of a thousand memes. He has been loved, hated, praised, revered, and mocked. He is one of the most recognizable names in cinema.  


To qualify for the list of The Best of Films of Nicolas Cage, Cage must have a significant role in the film; either as a lead or supporting. Cameos and small voiceovers shall not apply. 



Now, let’s enter the Cage…





10. FACE/OFF (1997)


Cage and John Travolta star as a terrorist and an FBI agent, respectively, who undergo surgery to swap their faces and their identities. What follows is a chaotic chase and mind-bender as audiences scramble to keep up with who is actually who. Famed action director John Woo injects this action flick with a hefty amount of adrenaline and testosterone, and although the concept is ridiculous…who really cares when there’s so much fun to be had. 






Cage plays an ex-convict in this action-comedy-crime caper that put the Coen Brothers on the map. A twisting and turning fun romp that is an absolute howler, and the supporting cast of Holly Hunter, John Goodman, and Frances McDormand gives Cage a lot to bounce off. 




8. CON AIR (1997)

Cage once again plays an ex-con, this time stuck on a prisoner transport (an airplane), that gets hijacked. Directed by Simon West, CON AIR also had an ensemble cast, and was a summer blockbuster that thrilled audiences. It is quotable, and loaded with memorable moments. 




7. JOE (2013)


Cage gets a lot of attention for his over-the-top performances, but his subtle characters produce some of his best work. In this indie drama from David Gordon Green, Cage plays a quiet, tormented man who protects a 15-year-old boy (Tye Sheridan), from his abusive father. As one of the best films of 2013, JOE went a long way in bringing Cage back into the light. 




6. ADAPTATION (2002)


There’s only one thing better than Cage: two Cages! In this comedy-drama by Spike Jonze, Cage plays twin brothers who clash and come together to finish and sell a Hollywood screenplay. An awards darling that Hollywood loved (they love movies about themselves), Cage plays the dual roles beautifully, and its storylines of creativity and human connections really works. 




5. LONGLEGS (2024)


This one may still have the new smell, but for right now it belongs here. One of the creepiest films of all time which takes inspiration from heavy-hitters such as THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS and ZODIAC, LONGLEGS features Cage in a new level of holy-shit crazy that most of us didn’t think he could find. Cage also served as a producer here in what became a passion project for him, and his chilling performance shows that his whole heart was in it. 






After a run of action films in the late 1990’s, Cage stepped away from the explosions and chases to do more serious drama. But then he returned to the genre in 2004 with this fun romp across the good ol’ USA, playing a treasure hunter seeking a fortune lost in American history. This Disney-produced actioneer was a ton of fun, and has become one of those standard-viewing films around the 4th of July. 






In the film that he may be the most associated with, Cage plays an alcoholic screenwriter who goes to Las Vegas to drink himself to death. Cage would win an Oscar and a Golden Globe for his performance, and some say he never really left the character. Despite this, LEAVING LAS VEGAS is one of those dramas that sticks around. 




2. THE ROCK (1996)


In what is perhaps the best film from infamous action director Michael Bay, Cage plays a lab-bound FBI agent teamed with a former Alcatraz inmate (Sean Connery), to infiltrate the old prison and stop a team of domestic terrorists…led by a magnificent Ed Harris. It was a box office monster and even when viewing from today’s standards…seriously holds up as a great action film. 




1. MOONSTRUCK (1987)


Cage is in a supporting role here, but a vital one…matched perfectly with Cher. Cage plays the brother of Cher’s fiancĂ©, and the two fall in love which creates a complicated love triangle. Directed by the late great Norman Jewison, MOONSTRUCK is a love story from head to tail, and has that ability to sweep even the grumpiest off their feet. Saturated in family and tradition, MOONSTRUCK would earn six Oscar nominations, winning three, and be acclaimed as one of the best films of its decade. In the catalog of Cage, this is his most complete film. 




  7. JOE
  8. CON AIR
  10. FACE/OFF

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