Wednesday, March 6, 2019

A Reel Preview: Everything You Need to Know About CAPTAIN MARVEL

It has been over seven months since we’ve had a film from the prolific Marvel Studios, but that drought ends this week when their CAPTAIN MARVEL lands in theatres. In this Reel Preview, here is everything you need to know about this highly anticipated film. 

What is this all about? – CAPTAIN MARVEL is the 21stentry in Marvel’s series of superhero films, which began way back in 2008 with IRON MAN. This adventure takes back to the 1990’s and introduces us to Carol Danvers, a former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot who becomes one of the galaxy’s mightiest heroes just as Earth is caught in a conflict between two alien worlds. 

Who is in front of the camera? – Carol Danvers is played by Brie Larson, who won an Oscar for Best Actress for ROOM in 2015. Her other notable roles include KONG: SKULL ISLAND (2017), and SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD (2010). She is joined by familiar faces to the Marvel universe, with returning characters played by Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Djimon Hounsou (Korath), Lee Pace (Ronan the Accuser), and Clark Gregg (Agent Coulson). Newcomers to the series include Annette Benning, Jude Law, and Ben Mendelsohn (ROUGE ONE). 

Who is behind the camera? – CAPTAIN MARVEL is helmed by the directing team of Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, who are known for the short documentary HALF NELSON (2006), and the feature films SUGAR (2008) and MISSISSIPPI GRIND (2015). 

Random Facts – The directing team of Boden and Fleck were originally considered for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (2014) * Returning characters Korath and Ronan made their debuts in the Marvel series with GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY * Agent Coulson made his debut in the series with IRON MAN in 2008, as did Nick Fury * This is Marvel Studio’s first female-led superhero film, and the  release date coincides with International Women’s Day *  The existence of CAPTAIN MARVEL was teased at the end of AVENGERS: ENDGAME, just before Nick Fury and half of the world’s population was turned to ash * This is the first time de-aging technology will be used on actors for an entire film * This is the first Marvel Studios film to be released after the death of Stan Lee, who filmed a cameo * 

What to expect? – Starting with the directing team, there isn’t much to go on with Boden and Fleck as they have never helmed a project of this size before. But their resume is solid, and Marvel has a reputation for finding unknowns and guiding them to success. The cast is impressive; Larson has certainly proven her chops and it’s always good to see familiar Marvel characters come back. The setting of the 1990’s is fascinating, as the film takes place before the events of IRON MAN and after CAPTAIN AMERICA: FIRST AVENGER…which means there is a lot of new territory to explore. But the question that everyone is asking is how CAPTAIN MARVEL plays into the events of AVENGERS: ENDGAME from last year, which ended on one of the best cliffhangers we’ve ever seen in cinema. Her role in Marvel’s grand canvas has yet to be revealed, but it’s clear that she has some great importance. That alone is worth getting excited for.


CAPTAIN MARVEL arrives on Earth March 8th, with limited showings on March 7th

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